Why Unfairness Is Our Fair, The SOSSA Election - Salone Focus News

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Why Unfairness Is Our Fair, The SOSSA Election

By Oniororo Oladele Orepo

A dream may very much differ from what we have in reality, hence, it is safe to say dreams are braver than reality. Man constructed ethical standards, to curb the state of nature, which is said to be brutish, savage, egoistic e.t.c, by the enactment of the social contract. It is apparent that the social contract is nothing but a furniture of constitutions, laws, ethics, infringements against the exercise and freedom of nature and a distraction, off the normal and natural course of things.

It may be argued that this argument is faulty, because civility, exposure and consciousness of human actions now exists, so, these atrocities have been sketched on the hearts of men to be recognized as wrong and inhumane, it is believed. However, this supposed counter argument is more proof to enable us see better, that despite our supposed civility, our brutality has but only changed into civil brutality, arbitrariness and awkwardness.

With civility, elections get freely and fairly rigged, minorities states and gets their statements fertilized, justice becomes delayed or subtly denied, etc. These is only strange because we have been made to believe in a particular pattern of how things ought to be, which is different from how they can be. The implementation of ethical principles is the birth of all our disappointments in humanity, who ought be left in the anarchical state, to run normally, the course of life, as this is one of the ideas that make idealism seem abstract, unrelatable, such as the ideas of communism, impartial justice, egalitarianism e.t.c

Conclusively, Niccolo Machiavelli said "Many have imagined republics and principalities which in fact have never been known or seen. How one actually lives is far distant from how one ought to live. Anyone who neglects what is done for what ought to be done, sooner brings about his ruin rather than his preservation. A man who wishes to act entirely in a virtuous way is soon destroyed among so much that is evil in the world. Hence a prince who wishes to survive must know how to do wrong, and how to do or not do wrong according to necessity. Therefore, putting on one side imaginary things concerning a prince and discussing those which are real... ".

We need to apply some pessimism to life, as all we were trained to grasp and by instincts, is but hedonism. Let whoever wants to do good know, that he may continue, but he is going against the world.

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